Solar Panels Kāpiti Coast

Why make the switch to solar power in the Kāpiti Coast? 

A solar panel installation allows you to generate clean, renewable energy, reducing your dependence on the grid and minimising your power bill. Solar Group offers a comprehensive range of energy-efficient solutions tailored to your unique needs, including solar panels and batteries, pool heating, and hot water. Request a free instant quote today.

Why choose Solar Group? 

With over three decades of experience and an excellent reputation, Solar Group is your trusted partner for solar systems in the Kāpiti Coast and the greater Wellington region, including the Hutt Valley. Our skilled professionals will design and install a state-of-the-art solar energy system that optimises performance, maximises savings, and exceeds your expectations.

Where we offer solar panel installation: residential and commercial settings

Our team installs customised solar power systems on residential and commercial premises, including schools, farms, and retirement villages. We possess the expertise and resources to deliver cutting-edge, personalised solutions that help you achieve your sustainability goals and reduce energy expenses.

Solar for your home 

Transitioning to solar energy for your Kāpiti Coast home offers numerous benefits for your household. A solar panel system installation helps save money, boost your property value, and reduce your carbon footprint, whether you prefer a grid-tied or off-grid setup.

Solar for your business

Investing in solar energy for your Kāpiti Coast business is an astute decision that can help you lower operating costs, boost your bottom line, and showcase your commitment to sustainability. By generating clean energy, you can safeguard against rising electricity prices and enhance your brand’s eco-friendly image.

Solar for schools 

A solar installation at your Kāpiti Coast school helps not only save money but also provides students with invaluable learning opportunities in sustainability. Solar Group collaborates with schools to design and install solar panel systems that complement their educational objectives and deliver long-term financial benefits.

Solar for your farm

Adopting solar energy on your Kapiti Coast farm or vineyard can increase self-sufficiency and foster sustainable agricultural practices. A solar energy system helps reduce your reliance on fossil fuels, minimise your environmental impact, and secure a reliable, cost-effective energy source for your farm.

Solar for retirement villages 

Solar panels on Kāpiti Coast retirement villages effectively promote sustainable living and reduce energy costs for residents on fixed incomes. We can design and implement a solar power system that meets your requirements and provides long-term financial and environmental benefits.

Lower your electricity bills and embrace a greener future with our solar power systems 

Solar Group offers a comprehensive range of high-quality solar power solutions. Our professional team will assess your energy needs and recommend the best solar power and battery systems, solar pool heating, or solar hot water solutions for your property.

Solar power and battery systems

Our solar power and battery systems feature high-performance solar panels that harness the energy of the sun, paired with heavy-duty batteries that allow you to store excess energy for use during peak demand periods or power outages.

Solar pool heating

Extend your swimming season with our solar pool heating solutions, offering a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to conventional gas or electric heating methods.

Solar water heating

Solar water heating ensures a reliable, cost-effective hot water supply for your home or business.

How does a solar system work? 

Solar power systems capture sunlight with panels and convert it to electricity. Sunlight hits special cells in the panels, creating DC electricity. An inverter then changes it to usable AC power that runs your appliances. Excess energy can be returned to the grid or stored in batteries for cloudy days.

How much does it cost to install solar panels in the Kāpiti Coast? 

The cost of installing solar panels ranges from $6,000 to $20,000 or more. The exact cost depends on the property size, energy consumption, panel type and quantity, battery storage requirements, installation complexity, and available incentives or rebates. 

For an accurate solar system quote tailored to your specific needs, contact Solar Group for expert advice and a free, no-obligation consultation. Our experts will evaluate your solar power requirements and provide a comprehensive proposal, optimising energy savings while aligning with your budget.

Contact our solar experts today and take the first step towards energy independence

Take the first step towards a greener future and request a free quote from Solar Group. Contact us today for expert advice on a customised solar system for your home or business. Our experts will assess your energy needs and design a tailored solution that helps reduce your power bill while reducing your carbon footprint.